How to say no in Spanish

The Spanish word for no is no.
How to pronounce no in Spanish:
Click to hear the pronunciation of no  
Examples of no in Spanish:
Sólo cabe esperarla en los países no-occidentales con empresas estatales con un monopolio sobre el mercado de las telecomunicaciones.
That can only be expected in non-Western countries with a state monopoly in the telecom market.

Por tanto, ¿podríamos cambiar el término "non-fire" por "no-fire" mejor que "cease-fire", ya que esto reflejaría mejor el texto oficial de los copresidentes?
So, could we change the 'non-fire' to 'no-fire' rather than the word 'cease-fire' as this would reflect the official text of the Co-Chairs?

Do you know another example that uses no in Spanish? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).